
Artemis Hatfield is an Artist & Photographer, mainly working in the South of England.

They work across mediums, and with a variety of topics such as; political art, identity, medium specificity, conceptual art, and representation, to name a few. 

The primary medium found in Artemis' work is photography, but she practices with a post-medium approach, especially within their more conceptual pieces. She works with digital and film photography, collage, mark making, sculpture, written-word, and photoshop.

Their personal experiences are a massive influence in what and how they create, especially within her bodies of work reflecting people within the LGBTQ+ community. Within much of their recent work, Artemis aims to challenge negative preconceived notions about queerness and hopes to share experiences and educate those who are less familiar with the LGBTQ+ community. It is her goal to spread understanding in the hope this can counteract some of the hatred that is prevalent in society.

Artemis also founded Delos Publishing, an independent publisher foucssing on arts publications. 
Currently they have two periodical publications, “Carnations, Violets & Lavender - Queer Artist Zine” and “The New Avant-Garde”.

BA (Hons) Photography at Arts University Bournemouth, 2022-2025

Nouveau Student Magazine Volume 3, Guest Writer, 2024
The New Avant-Garde 01, Editor, 2024
Carnations, Violets & Lavender - Queer Artist Zine Issue #01, Editor, 2024
Pretence Magazine Issue 03, Open Call Contribution, 2023

Group Exhibitions:
Big Art Show, Paisley, 2023
Work in Progress Show, AUB, 2024
Aberrations L5 Show, AUB, 2024


Nouveau Student Magazine Volume 3, Guest Writer, 2024
AUB Student Journal: Interview with Dan Bowhay, 2024